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Chapter Resources

Sarasota Chapter Meeting 1.jpg

If you are looking to start a Local Chapter or just want more information about how to do that we can help you. Click on the Starting a Chapter button for the details or complete the Starting a Chapter form and we will be in contact with you.


You can also contact us at

(833-FGBMFUS) 833-342-6387

Starting a Chapter and Chapter Strategies


Application for Affiliation

The FGBMFI Application for Affiliation form applies to (check one) Men's Chapter  Ladies of the Fellowship Chapter, Mixed Chapter

At a meeting of Full Gospel Business Men/Ladies/Youth in the City of County of State ofCountry held, 20           , a motion was made and carried that an application be filed for official affiliation with FGBMFI.



1) Establish a group of like-minded Christian businesspeople. Elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Male members can serve as officers in any of these four positions. Female members can serve as officers as Treasurer and Secretary. Pass a resolution to apply for affiliation with FGBMFI (agreeing to adhere to the FGBMFI Constitution & Bylaws and subsequent adopted resolutions by the FGBMFI Board of Directors).


2) Application Process:


  1. Complete the Application for Affiliation

  2. Complete the Charter Agreement

  3. Paid membership applications for each officer (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) all officers are required to be paid members.

  4. Include a check or money order for $70 as a nonrefundable Application Fee

  5. Send these to the FGBMFI-USA Operations, PO Box 51567, Sarasota, FL 34232 for processing.

    1. You will receive a Charter and Certificate for your Chapter from FGBMFI (with assigned Chapter Number). You will also receive information on the assigned Region for your chapter with contact information for your Regional Director. It is important to contact your Regional Director to receive direct support for your chapter operations and instructions on your next steps.

  6. If a chapter desires to be included in the annual FGBMFI IRS Group Exemption filing, they must obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) for the chapter by completing and submitting IRS Form SS-4 to the IRS office. If the chapter is included in the Annual FGBMFI IRS filing, they will be able to legally receive donations and issue tax deductible receipts.

  7. ​

NOTE: Contact the USA Operations Office 833-342-6387 or for assistance with filing the SS-4.

  1. Setup a chapter checking account for chapter only transactions, for accountability and transparency.

  2. Sign-up for the next available Training Opportunity in your Region. Your Regional Director is responsible to provide training and basic resources for your chapter. Visit WWW.FGBMFIUSA.LIFE for information, downloads, news, resources, and event information.


Application for Affiliation

The FGBMFI Application for Affiliation form applies to Men's Chapter, Mixed Chapter (Men & Women Members, Ladies of the Fellowship Chapter, Youth Chapter.  (Select an Option Below)

At a meeting of Full Gospel Business Men/Ladies/Youth in the City of __________County of _______State of______   held, (
Date 20           , a motion was made and carried that an application be filed for official affiliation with FGBMFI.


Vice President



Thanks for submitting! We will be contact with you very soon.

Abstract Surface

Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International - USA

His Banner Over Us Is Love

FGBMFI-USA Headquarters, 601 N Mur-Len Rd Suite 16, Olathe, KS 66062


FGBMFI-USA Operations, PO Box 51567, Sarasota, FL 34232-9998



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©2024 by Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International USA. Created with

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