Welcome to VOiCE USA
Magazines in English, Spanish, and Chinese
It was Saturday morning, December 27, 1952 when Thomas Nickel, led by the Holy Spirit, had driven overnight to Clifton’s Cafeteria in Los Angeles, CA to volunteer his printing presses so that Full Gospel would have a VOICE. This Holy Spirit tool became the trademark of Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship. Since 1953, the dynamic testimonies of businessmen and women, whose lives have been transformed by the Holy Spirit, have brought inspiration and healing to hundreds of thousands worldwide.
We welcome you to this Edition of VOiCE USA which shares some exciting stories from people who have been touched by the Love of God. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” (John 3:16-17)
Just like the original VOICE Magazine, the new VOiCE USA has the same look and format, with wonderful personal testimonies, upcoming events and announcements along with an invitation to receive Jesus as Lord. Professionally designed and printed quarterly in English and Spanish (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter), as a printable download along with a Traditional Chinese PDF version.
And now, from our FGBMFI Friends in Germany, a VOiCE Edition in both English and Arabic!
We have found the VOiCE USA Magazine to be a powerful witnessing tool and great to use as an invitation to your chapter meetings and events. There is room on the back page to place your printed meeting announcement.
A box of 100 VOiCE USA Magazines are ready to be shipped postage paid to you for a donation of $100 (100% of these donations goes entirely to the production and printing of the VOiCE USA).
Contact us at operations@fgbmfiusa.life or 833-342-6387 to have yours shipped out postage paid today!
If you have a testimony or event report to be considered for the Voice Magazine,
contact Mike Svolto, Editor Voice USA Magazine, at 615-403-3316 or voiceusa@fgbmfiusa.life